Immanuel Lutheran Church
Baltimore, MD   |   Worship every Sunday at 10am

Christian Education at Immanuel

"Faith comes from hearing...the word of Christ"
--Romans 10:17

And there is no better way of hearing that word than through Bible study.  Immanuel offers a number of ways for all ages to participate in Christian education.

Sunday School
Every Sunday at 9:00am, children through high school age meet before the Divine Service.

Confirmation Classes
As needed, the pastor provides instruction for confirmands at mutually agreeable times.  Please contact the pastor or church office for more information.

Adult Bible Study
Each Sunday morning from 9:00 to 9:45, the pastor leads a Bible study.

Agape Group
A small group of adults meets in a member's home at 7:30pm on alternate Mondays.  An Agape group focuses on Bible study, but also provides fellowhip and mutual support.  Please contact Ray Spitznas (410-949-6242 or for further information

Women's Bible Study
This group of women gathers monthly on the third Wednesday in the church's library.  For more information, please contact Dorothy Croll (410-665-7716 or

For those who cannnot make a regular time commitment, pastor offers an email-based Bible study that one can complete at their own pace. 

There are further plans to make a web-based Bible study available.  Watch this site for more information.