Immanuel Lutheran Church
Baltimore, MD   |   Worship every Sunday at 10am

Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery

Immanuel Lutheran Church, Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Lutheran Cemetery, Baltimore Cemetery, German Lutheran Cemetery Baltimore
In March 1874, a tract of land was purchased on Grindon Avenue near Harford Road to serve as a congregational cemetery.  In 1882, a chapel was provided and in 1890 a home for the caretaker was constructed.  For Immanuel, the cemetery has become a quiet restful retreat reminding her members of the Communion of Saints and bespeaking an abiding hope in the renewal of broken ties in the life to come.

For information about a lot at the Immanuel Cemetery, please open this PDF:
"Our Immanuel Cemetery"
by Albert P. C. Krieger

From The Immanuel Herald, Volume III, No. 5, August 1928

The word "cemetery" is from the Greek, coemeterium - koimeterion, meaning sleeping place; to the Christian it means the final resting place of those who die in the faith. The ancient designation of a cemetery was "God's Acre" and in the German "Gottesacker."

The Old and New Testaments speak of burial places. We read that Abraham bought a sepulcher for the burial of Sarah, his wife; that later he, Isaac and Rebekah, his wife, and also Leah and Jacob, were buried there. There were two forms of burial places; cave sepulchers, either natural cavities in the rock or graves dug in the ground. There was no change of form in New Testament times, since reference is made to whited sepulchers or graves treated with a coat of whitewash. Our Saviour's grave is described as a tomb hewn in stone, having a low entrance and closed by a stone that could be rolled into place.  The idea of cremating a body was repulsive to the Jews from the beginning, and the Christian Church, generally, opposes this form of laying mortal remains to rest.

The present generation of Immanuel can, indeed, feel grateful to the founders and fathers of our Congregation for their foresight in providing a final resting place for the deceased members of the church. The plan of our forefathers has not been changed: the chapel, temporary vault therein, caretaker's home, minister's circle, five and ten grave lots, single graves for those who do not care to buy a lot, and provision for free burials to the unfortunate, remain unto this day.

But prior to the purchase of our cemetery at Lauraville, the mother Church from which a part of our original membership was recruited owned a cemetery, of which we are, likewise, a part owner. It may prove interesting to relate, briefly, the history of that cemetery. The Second Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of this City owned a cemetery on Madison Avenue, south of North Avenue.  This was later sold, and the present cemetery, Druid Hill Park Cemetery, was bought, originally comprising about 4.5 acres of land. About 14 years after this latter cemetery was acquired, the congregation disbanded, and out of it grew the present Congregations: Martini, St Paul's and ours which three Congregations bought this cemetery and now own the sale.  Two and one-quarter acres were sold to the Park Board some years ago.  The formal name of the Cemetery, conducted by the three mentioned Congregations, is "St. Paul's Cemetery of Druid Hill Park."

And now to return to our own cemetery on Grindon Lane, Lauraville.  Our Congregation after its organization grew rapidly, and it was resolved to have a cemetery of its own. The present tract, a six-acre farm, was purchased, and was dedicated on June 1, 1874. To finance the proposition shares of $5.00 each were sold to members. These shares were redeemable, either in cash or in burial lots.  The majority of the members took advantage of the latter offer. Immediate steps were taken to enclose the land with a wood paling fence. The land was then laid off into burial lots. The brick chapel was then erected, and dedicated August 20, 1882. The caretaker's house was built in 1890. Later the present concrete wall was erected on the Grindon Lane side, and the size of the caretaker's house increased.

These buildings and improvements, together with the marble slabs in the individual grave section, constitute the major expenditures of a permanent nature. It is not to be forgotten that much credit is due the faithful members of our many Cemetery Committees who have given their time and effort to bring to pass the beautiful cemetery we now have, and in securing the adoption of a most important resolution: that of perpetual care of burial lots. It was timely because a majority of the original lot owners were then living, and appeal could be made to them directly of the importance of the appearance of their lots after their death. Only a few of the early purchasers have not placed their lots in perpetual care, but have promised to do so because they realize the fact that, for all time, their lots will be properly cared for.

All of the Cemetery Committees have been fortunate in procuring caretakers who have taken a personal interest in keeping the cemetery in first-class condition.

Your present Committee, invites you to visit dear old Immanuel Cemetery to look over the 1,270 graves, observing the familiar names of faithful members on the various stones, monuments and markers.  It will prove time well spent.