Immanuel Lutheran Church
Baltimore, MD   |   Worship every Sunday at 10am
"The virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and they will call him 'Immanuel'--which means 'God with us.'" --Matthew 1:23

Join us for the Divine Service every Sunday at 10:00 am


 Participate live on YouTube at the following link

Weekly Worship Bulletin:
FLEA MARKET, Saturday, September 14th, 9 am to 1pm (set up 8 am), upper parking lot.  Space rentals $10; table rentals $10.  Applications available in office Tues-Wed-Thursday 10 to 2 pm.  Cash payment must accompany application.  DEADLINE TO APPLY Thursday, September 12th.  Additional information call 410 435 6861 (office)