Immanuel Lutheran Church
Baltimore, MD   |   Worship every Sunday at 10am

The Compassion Center at Immanuel Lutheran Church 

immanuel lutheran church, immanuel lutheran baltimore, immanuel lutheran compassion center, compassion center, baltimore food bank

immanuel lutheran church, immanuel lutheran baltimore, immanuel lutheran compassion center, compassion center, baltimore food bank, lutheran mission society

Donations not currently being accepted.  Please consider donating directly to the Lutheran Mission Society at 601 Hammonds Ferry Road, (410 636 0123) or Calvary Lutheran Lutheran Church at 2625 E. Northern Parkway.  Call 410 426-4301 for hours and days.

--Non-perishable food items
--Canned fruits
--Canned tuna, chicken, or salmon
--Peanut butter
--Canned soups

We accept donations of food and clothing during business office hours and by appointment.  Please call the office at 410-435-6861 to arrange a drop-off donation.

If you'd prefer us to do the shopping, we'll also gladly accept a monetary donation.  Please send a check made out to Immanuel Lutheran Church, and put "Compassion Center" in the Memo line, or donate with a credit/debit card or checking account via PayPal below...
Compassion Program

Visiting families must provide a photo ID and either fully attend a 10:30 Chapel service to receive assistance, or